To be clear, the reason this is a theme with online creators is the same with Johnny. They think they can just control any of their victims usually through threats, psychological manipulation, or simply guilt trips. They also assume that their victims will never come out with their side of the story because the abuser's audience will most likely have a preconviced bias against any accusers as the audience could very well be with similar victims, so the situation could be 'swept under the rug'. These usually work because again these people prey out for impressionable kids or teens who don't want to be responsible for any ill will towards anybody, especially when its towards somebody who they respect. This also applies in real life as well with people like John K being a grave example, but online predators are getting more widespread with everybody now being able to have some functioning braincells that know how the internet works, with everybody also being stuck on the same 4 or 5 websites so the pools of people to manipulate is especially bigger.
it seemed like johnnyguy was always getting caught up in some shit
Well I haven't seen any other shit that he did, since again I wasn't that familiar with his work other than just a few listens as most.